Chrismon ornaments are always made of white and gold beads, white for purity and gold for majesty and glory. The Chrismon Ministry of CFBC makes ornaments to decorate our Christmas tree that remind people of Jesus Christ, whose birthday is celebrated at Christmas.
Chrismon ornaments are specifically created for special events, including baptisms, graduations, new members, baby dedications, weddings, deacons, bereavements, and sunrise services. Ornaments are also crafted for those who serve as deacons and Sunday School teachers. |
The word Chrismon is taken from Christ's Monogram. Some decorations are monograms of Jesus' name, while others are more symbolic.
Crowns represent the kingship of Christ the Lord and his victory over death. A well represents the well of living water that comes from Christ. The angel is God's messenger. Crosses, stars, and wreaths have multiple designs with various meanings. There are many other types of Chrismon ornaments. |