If you wish to specify where your contribution goes, please indicate in the comments section on the form.
Give as a guest or as a regular attender.
Please use the electronic option to make regular or one-time offerings. Contributions can be debited automatically using your debit or credit card.
Our electronic giving program offers convenience for you and consistency for our congregation.
If you give every week, you will no longer need to write 52 checks a year or prepare 52 envelopes. And, when travel, illness, or other circumstances prevent you from attending services, this program will allow your weekly offerings to continue uninterrupted.
Online giving helps our church. Every person who gives through automatic giving makes our record keeping easier and our sources of finances more consistent.
Online giving is SAFE, SECURE, and CONFIDENTIAL! No checking or debit/credit card information is stored on CFBC servers. This information cannot be accessed by anyone at the church.
Please use the electronic option to make regular or one-time offerings. Contributions can be debited automatically using your debit or credit card.
Our electronic giving program offers convenience for you and consistency for our congregation.
If you give every week, you will no longer need to write 52 checks a year or prepare 52 envelopes. And, when travel, illness, or other circumstances prevent you from attending services, this program will allow your weekly offerings to continue uninterrupted.
Online giving helps our church. Every person who gives through automatic giving makes our record keeping easier and our sources of finances more consistent.
Online giving is SAFE, SECURE, and CONFIDENTIAL! No checking or debit/credit card information is stored on CFBC servers. This information cannot be accessed by anyone at the church.